Sunday, July 30, 2006

Found poem

It's a ripple effect,a tantalizing carrot
sounding like chirping light rail wires
tasting like cigars and leather loafers.
Feeling like cool glass and clean metal.
A big hit for block 8.

The old fire station sits in the middle
of the trickle down development.
A cost.
An asset.
A decision.
A building?
The way they talk--in opportunities and promises--
you wonder if anything is real.

But they've brought bocce to the city,
an old, fat man's game
made new and sleek for dazzling neighborhoods
teeming with young professionals.
In their lime green and silver clothes
they toss the palino over oyster shells and sand,
speak of pinot and port.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

heh heh. so does that last stanza describe us in any way? i suspect we've discussed pinot before, during, or after playing bocce with you guys.