Thursday, February 02, 2006

Positive reinforcement

I realized yesterday that the blog entries lately have been a wee bit too negative. So I'm gonna counteract that with a list of things that make me happy. I'll just keep adding them as they come to me.

1. Tortoise's song, "In Sarah, Mencken, Christ and Beethoven there were women and men." Both the title and the music. I was at the gym yesterday, and it slipped into the shuffle on my iPod. The title of the song is so long the iPod had to keep scrolling it.

2. Lovely, pale pink yarn from the softest, little alpaca lamb that ever lived. Eight dainty hanks arrived on my doorstep yesterday. I just wanted to shrink myself down to mouse-size so that I could use one of them as a bed.

3. I am the same age as Dave Chappelle.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

I love that image of the pale pink alpaca yarn - with you, mouse-size, sleeping away happily. :) What are you going to knit with the lovely pink yarn?