Tuesday, October 14, 2008

No tolerance for death

I've always really liked Halloween. That's partly because it's candy-centric (I like Valentine's day for the same reason. No boy in the picture? Who cares! There's always chocolate!). I also really like dressing up in costumes.

This year, I feel a little differently. Last night, as I was walking past a house all decked-out with ghosts and a fake graveyard, I thought "Egh. How morbid." My reaction took me by surprise. I usually love this stuff! The skeleton bones just seemed so sad. It was just for fun, but it reminded me too much of real bones resting in the cemetery.

I get the same sinking feeling whenever I see a really violent movie these days. I have no tolerance for gore and death. In Bruge was an excellent film, and thank goodness all the blood and guts came at the end, otherwise I would have never seen it.

I guess that now that I've brought life into the world, I just see no point in focusing on death. Not to get lecture-y or anything, but there's so much to appreciate about life, so much to live for, why do we have to have all this stuff where killing people is the focus?

Anyway, I hope that's not the end for Halloween for me. There are still the costumes, the pumpkins, the apple cider and the candy.


Elizabeth said...

I think that makes total sense. I've been feeling similarly during my pregnancy, and I'm sure it'll continue in some ways after she's born.

Pamela said...

Yeah, I felt it even more so in the first few weeks after D. was born. I guess it was all those postpartum hormones. Whew! Those were good. Better than drugs.

T and R said...

That's interesting, P. I haven't experienced similar feelings since motherhood, but I wonder if I'd be more sensitive to a really scary and gorey haunted house now. I know I haven't reacted differently to horror movies as we just saw an old one recently on TV. In-person gore might be another story though if it was realistic..

Halloween is my fave holiday by far. I can't wait to plan costumes together with Radha. Maybe it'll bore her though, who knows. T.