Thursday, November 17, 2005

Mercury in retrograde

M: Begin the day by forgetting everything. Climbing out of the shower, remember a meeting that's to begin in 8 minutes. On the way, detour three times due to two accidents and a stalled train. Get to meeting a half-hour late. Once there, remember another meeting that starts in an hour. Leave the first meeting immediately to make it in time for the next. End day with a mental breakdown after getting lost in SW Portland. Discover exit under construction, get dumped into who knows where, try to recover by turning right, somehow end up disoriented at the top of Terwilliger. Tears.

T: 8 hours of furious work. Flight to San Diego rerouted to LA because of the fog that rolls in off the ocean. Drive 2 hours south to hotel in a San Diego suburb where all the streets are all named Bernardo. West Bernardo Drive. Rancho Bernardo Drive. Coranado Bernaro Court. Arrive at midnight. Fall into stupor. Dinner consists of a mint on the hotel pillow.

W: Get lost on the many Bernardo streets. 10.5 hours in tiny conference room with nine other people. Bleary eyed. Stuck an extra night in the same city for the same reason we couldn't get into it: fog. Drink heavily. Raid the mini-bar. Who cares how many m&ms eaten.

Th: Wake up at 4 am. Drive to airport. Catch flight. Land. Drive to office. Work.

F: Self pity, undoubtedly.


Anonymous said...

Omigod. Poor you!

I have to say, though, that I really like this post. It's so raw and honest.

The imperative nature of it reminds me of this writing exercise my friend Tony (in Chicago) was telling me about where you're supposed to write a piece that is 100% imperative--makes for an interesting tone, especially here. It's like some unknown force is commanding you to do all that stuff.

I esp. like the bit about getting lost in the Bernardo vortex. What a nightmare.

"Who cares how many m&ms eaten." Tee hee.

Hope you're not wallowing too much in self-pity today.


Elizabeth said...

dude, sorry your week has sucked so bad. but at least you got a good piece out of it. i find it frightening and funny at the same time. looking forward to reading "lost" at some point soon.

Pamela said...

For an update on my Friday events, I arrived early and set off the building alarm. The alarm was so fecking unnaturally loud I wanted to run screaming from the building.

The rest of the day has been better.