Thursday, May 16, 2013

Self portrait

In this evening's class we created a bizarre self portrait, working for 20 minutes at a time on just a small section of our face. We folded the paper into quarters, and started with the left eye and bridge of the nose, then the right, then the bottom part of the nose and part of the mouth, then the other part of the mouth.

We set things up so that our features would be out of proportion intentionally.  The mouth and eyes cock-eyed. Features pulled and squished.

Drawing like this makes me wonder if I can write like this.

1 comment:

ering said...

That is fascinating. I love the idea of trying to port it over to writing. R and I do something where we fold a paper in 4ths and we each draw part of a body - someone gets head, upper torso, lower torso and feet. We have come up with some pretty funny pictures.