Thursday, December 29, 2011

100 haiku challenge, 23 and 24

We watch the wind blow
puddles into running streams.
A northwest pastime.

Perhaps not, because
of your [dog] friend, she said, but
have you seen my cat?

I like #23 a lot. It came to me one blustery, winter day when D and I headed outside despite the crappy weather and headed to the covered basketball court at the local school. We brought along a basketball and scooter, but found ourselves most entertained by the wind and the water working their way across the blacktop.

What I really enjoy about this challenge, is that it forces me to treat the poems like a photographer treats the photo. Just keep snapping frames, and eventually you'll get a winner. Don't worry about the ones where the composition's not quite right.


ering said...

It's official. This blog is on my RSS feed. You will be read. I love the idea of the Haiku challenge. Your Haiku's are lovely, funny and wry. Have you read the children's book in which the character Ku comes to visit and all the children say, "Hi Ku!". It's a good one.

Pamela said...

Yay! Thanks, Erin!