Thursday, November 09, 2006

On blogging

It's curious...the things that get commented on, and the things that don't. Most of what I post here is poems, bits of writing from my writing practice, drafts of stories, and I don't get many comments on those. I'm not sure why. Maybe because people don't feel comfortable for some reason. (Or my worst fear is that I'm boring the crap out of you.) I get lots of comments on my rants, which is fun.

I've wondered about those bloggers who get double-digit comments on a single post. What does that mean? Do I have to go out and comment on other people's blogs to get comments on mine--like--is it a communal thing? Do I have to start up blog relationships? Or do I just have to write about more scandalous things, like excrement? (Not to knock it...for a good, fun, raunchy blog-romp, don't miss Gone Feral.)

Maybe I will. A completely new and inappropriate direction for Tchotchka Palace. Stay tuned...


Anonymous said...

Well, as you know, I'm pretty tepid on all poetry--so please don't take it personally that I don't comment on the poems.

But that doesn't mean you shouldn't post poems. It's your blog, so use it as you see fit.

BTW: I love the journal/diary posts and the childhood memories.

No need to start writing about excrement, I mean, unless you really want to.

Anonymous said...

I believe you DID write about excrement once, about that poop-laden birthday experience while I was visiting. You should go back and see how that one worked in terms of comments... :)