1. Kip's dad is named Chip. I wonder if Kip's grandfather was named Flip. Or Skip. If Kip and Fancy ever have a baby boy, I hope they name him Rip.
2. The day of the wedding, I heard my cellphone ringing, just as I was beginning a one-hour massage. I ignored it. Later that afternoon as I was sitting in Santa Fe at the Atomic Cafe, waiting for my fish tacos, I listened to my voicemail. It was Kip. "Hey! I was wondering if you could do me a favor. Can you pick up some pies? Like, four or five pies? A chocolate creme pie, key lime, coconut... maybe a pumpkin pie?"

3. Kip and Fancy held their ceremony on the Nambe Pueblo, at the Kiva Bear campsite. Kip told us twice that his shirt was designed in Japan, made in Italy. At their ceremony, the women were asked to scatter rose petals in a circle around the bride and groom. The men were asked to scatter corn meal. This represented sweetness and plenty. I cried the whole time.

4. Nimba, Kip's 15 year-old dog, cried too. She's a very emotional canine.

5. The ceremony started after seven p.m. We learned the gates to the Pueblo would close at eight! We drove our car 2.1 miles out from Kiva Bear, just past the gates, so we wouldn't get trapped for the night. But we'd have to walk those 2.1 miles to the car through the very dark, New Mexico desert. I imagined encountering scorpions and coyotes.
6. D'oh! Another wrinkle. The woman bringing the food was delayed. Her transmission died. We were afraid the wedding feast would consist of this (plus some pies and beer):

We lucked out though because her husband was a state trooper, so the potato salad, pork and beans, and brisquet arrived safely in the back of a squad car, just before the gates closed (Mmmm. Good).
HOLY CRAP! I clearly haven't seen Kip in a while - I didn't even recognize him in that picture until I looked at the bigger version. He's so... clean-cut looking. Fancy is very cute. I want to hear more... but we'll save that for a phone call.
I love the pix of the pies, with the tabloids in the background. Perfect. That coconut cream looks even scarier than I'd imagined.
Also nice juxtaposition with the Tums, the Spam, and the Roswell aliens.
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