Wednesday, June 28, 2006


It's a dream I've been having for ages. I'm running frantically, trying to escape or get somewhere. I'm able to leap vertical, but make no movement horizontally. I'm going nowhere even though I'm taking tremendous strides. Up, down. Up, down.

As I was doing some real-life running this morning it hit me. Maybe it's not just an anxiety dream. It's trying to tell me something. Even though I may be having great successes, achieving great heights, I'm really just running in place.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dreams are funny that way...we're so used to believing that the symbolism is buried way deep, that we sometimes overlook it when our subconscious is screaming with the neon, blinking obvious. It reminds me of a recurring element that showed up in my dreams for AGES...driving or riding in/on some kind of vehicle, and the brakes never quite working, so by the time I finally stopped I was in the middle of an intersection and so had to keep moving anyway so I wouldn't get killed. Frantic and scary. And for forever, I tried to figure it out...until one day I had the "duh" moment. Actually, now that I think about it...I haven't had that dream since I finished my Ph.D...