"We don't have potatoes," she answers.
"Okay, well just give me this without the eggs."
Maybe she did a double-take, but I didn't notice. Twenty minutes or so later, she is back with our food. She places a plate with a thin slice of ham covered in red sauce in front of my father-in-law and says, "huevos rancheros," amazingly, with a straight face.
"You ordered huevos rancheros without the eggs?" I said. "But huevos means egg."
It was kind of funny, until I realized I was going to pay 12 dollars for his plate of sauce.
It's not his fault. I don't think he knew what he was going to get. But the waitress--she couldn't have asked "Are you sure you want that?" Had I known what he was pointing at, I would have stopped him. I consider it supremely bad service to fill ridiculous orders without at least asking, "You're sure about that?"
I felt really bad that he only had a slice of ham for breakfast, so I made sure we swung into the doughnut shop on the way home.